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Confidentiality Agreement for Participants



  1. I have the training and educational qualifications to formally practice as a professional mental health practitioner OR I am in graduate-level training to be a professional mental health practitioner.

  2. I agree to keep confidential the personal identifying information of case material shared in the training. I agree to not record any part of this training in any format (audio, video, or visual). Personal written notes of non-confidential material are permitted.)

  3. I will prepare in advance and learn how to use zoom before the workshop.
    Zoom の利用方法の確認等は、予め行う必要があることを理解しました。

  4. I will make sure that I have a reliable internet connection on the day of the workshop.

  5. I understand that using Google Chrome to ensure full functionality is recommended.
    安定した状態でワークショップに参加いただくために、Google Chrome (グーグル クローム)の使用が推奨されていることを理解しました。

  6. To enable all functionalities, I will login with my laptop instead of my tablet or smartphone.

  7. I will keep my video “on” throughout the workshop (feel free to turn off during breaks).

  8. I understand that the organizer will not be able to respond to my inquiries regarding how to use Zoom or help with any internet troubleshooting problems on the day of the workshop.ワークショップ当日のZoom の利用方法や通信状況の不具合の問い合わせについては、対応できませんので予めご了承ください。

  9. I understand that the organizer will take all possible measures, but I am aware that technical issues may cause interruptions, delays, or an unstable connection.

  10. I will avoid using public wireless LAN that can be used by an unspecified number of people.

  11. I understand that people who did not apply for participation are strictly prohibited from joining the workshop.

  12. I will make sure not to share your Zoom URL, ID, or password with anyone.
    Zoom の URL や ID、パスワードを他の方に提示することは絶対にいたしません。

  13. When participating via Zoom, I understand that I need to do so in a space that I can participate in and keep confidential. Examples include, wearing headphones and joining from a space where non-participants cannot view the screen or hear the dialogue.
    Zoom での参加に際しては、参加者一人で視聴できる環境で参加し、イヤホンを装着するなど、情報が漏洩せぬよう十分気をつけます。

  14. I understand that it is prohibited to record video, audio, or take a screenshot during the workshop. Also, I understand that posting any data or images on SNS, blogs, and video distribution sites from the workshop are prohibited.

Please confirm you have read and agreed to these rules including Confidentiality Agreement and proceed to registration.


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Sky カウンセリング & コンサルテーション 東京



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